Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ebola: Safari Killer

The Ebola Virus is affecting the continent of Africa in many ways; none more evident than the recent decline in the continents safari industry. reported a 70% decline in safari bookings over the last two months, even though the main safari destinations in southern and eastern Africa are thousands of miles from the Ebola-stricken countries of the west, industry leaders say fears of the disease are keeping tourists away. The main reason for the decline in bookings is the naive view many have that Africa is one giant country.  

Africa was poised for an increase in tourism this year before the deadly epidemic. According to the World Tourism Organization's 2014 global travel report, Africa was due to see 4 to 6% tourism growth this year. According to the WHO, the most severely affected countries are Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, however, the Africa tourism industry has felt stark repercussions across the continent through economic losses, canceled flights and bookings, closed borders and negative perceptions. With the right research and precautions I do not see any reason not to visit the popular tourist destination of the African Safari. 

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